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Nicht verbunden.Fehler während Abfrage. index.
Nicht verbunden.Fehler während Abfrage. index.
Nicht verbunden.Fehler während Abfrage. index.
Nicht verbunden.Fehler während Abfrage. index.
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References - farmpartner-tec

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Farm machinery sales and service Bernard Krone GmbH

If you present almost 20 locations, daily updated news, agricultural weather and hundreds of second hand machines, you can lose track of your homepage very fast. To avoid this, Bernard Krone uses the webManager to maintain the entire content easily and independently.


Exemplary presentation of services, offers and the company

 Our long-time customers “Reise Landtechnik” from Lippetal and “Krengel Landtechnik” from Sundern represent an ideal and efficient report of information to the visitors of the website. Through the clear structure, the visitors can find the information in demand quickly and easily. Their information is presented to the observer in a few words and with a convincing picture.

farmpartner-tec gives a word of praise for that. -> Keep it up!


Reise Landtechnik Homepage

Krengel Landtechnik Homepage



References to entire websites (fragmentary)


Modules on foreign homepages (fragmentary)

Our partner

We are proud to introduce the following ERP / DMS solution suppliers as our official partner.






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